MBExC sfb870

Optogenetics Meeting 2023

Tentative Meeting Program

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Latest update: September 25th, 2023

pdf Posters


Day 1, Sunday, October 1st, 2023


Opening Remarks


Keynote Lecture with Botond Roska (Chair: Tobias Moser)
„Restoring vision”

Get together

Day 2, Monday, October 2nd, 2023

from 07:00     

Breakfast at La Cantina

08:30 – 10:15

Session 1: Translation (Chairs: Lukasz Jablonski and Tobias Moser) 

08:30 – 08:55

Deniz Dalkara
„Optogenetics in the retina - from circuit investigation to disease modeling and restoring vision”

08:55 – 09:20

Bettina Wolf and Marcus Jeschke
„Optogenetic cochlea implants: from rodent early preclinical to non-human primates”

09:20 – 09:35

David Zipf
„Optogenetics as a new approach to control gastric contractility”

09:35 – 09:50

Daniel Hillier
„Optogenetics in large-animal models”

09:50 – 10:15

Stéphanie Lacour
„Implantable optoelectronic interfaces”

10:15 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 12:30

Session 2: Optogenetic Regulation of Protein Function (Chairs: Günter Mayer and Andreas Möglich)

10:45 – 11:10

Lukas Bugaj
„Harnessing a multi-input/multi-output protein for novel optical and thermal probes”

11:10 – 11:35

Dagmar Wachten
„How to control ciliary signaling by light”

11:35 – 11:50

Tejal Patwari
„Optoribogenetics: Light dependent control of biological processes through PAL-RNA system”

11:50 – 12:15

Michael Wenzel
„Controlling epilepsy with targeted phototherapeutics”

12:15 – 12:40

Wilfried Weber
„Programming cells and materials with light”



15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:55

Session 3: Cardiac (Chairs: Stephan Lehnart and Philipp Sasse)

16:00 – 16:25

Emilia Entcheva
„Applications of optogenetics to high-throughput all-optical cardiac electrophysiology for human functional genomics”

16:25 – 16:50

Leonardo Sacconi
„All-optical electrophysiology in single cardiomyocyte and isolated heart”

16:50 – 17:10

Franziska Schneider-Warme
„Illuminating the heterocellular heart: optogenetic approaches to assess non-myocyte contributions to cardiac electrophysiology”

17:10 – 17:25

Judith Weidtmann
„Contrary effects of optogenetic- or K+ induced pre-depolarisation on cardiac conduction”

17:25 – 17:40

Claudia Richter
„Always the same? – Effects of sex and tissue remodelling in aging optogenetic hearts by means of successful arrhythmia phototermination”

17:40 – 17:55

Silvia Rodriguez Rozada
„Optogenetic modulation of cardiac function in freely moving mice”




Keynote Lecture with Alexander Gottschalk (Chair: Franziska Schneider-Warme)
„Optogenetic voltage clamp, OG tools for neurotransmission, and a new molecular solution for sensing UV and blue light”

Day 3, Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

from 07:00     

Breakfast at La Cantina

08:30 – 10:15

Session 4: Brain (Chairs: Thomas Frank and Simon Wiegert)

08:30 – 08:55

Werner Hemmert
„Watching hearing with a neuro-implant: Ultra-high resolution models of neural activity in the human inner ear”

08:55 – 09:20

Thomas Oertner
„E Pluribus Unum: Optogenetic control reveals flaws in the interpretation of pharmacological experiments”

09:20 – 09:45

Sevil Duvarci
„Functional architecture of dopamine neurons driving fear extinction learning”

09:45 – 10:00

Johannes Letzkus
„Top-down control of neocortical threat memory”

10:00 – 10:15

Lukas Faiss
„Shedding light on presynaptic plasticity: Unveiling the secrets of contralateral projecting synapses in the hippocampus”

10:15 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 12:30

Session 5: New ChRs (Chairs: Johannes Vierock and Thomas Mager)

10:45 – 11:10

Peter Hegemann
„Unexpected rhodopsins with optogenetic potential”

11:10 – 11:30

Thomas Mager
„ChReef – An improved ChR for future optogenetic therapies”

11:30 – 11:50

Johannes Vierock
„New light gated ion channels for multicolor optogenetics”

11:50 – 12:03

Elizaveta Podoliak
„Electrophysiological characterization of a novel family of anion channelrhodopsins from Chrompodellida algae in mammalian cell lines and human iPSC-derived neurons”

12:03 – 12:15

Alexey Alekseev
„Establishing an automated screening pipeline for channelrhodopsin variants: Combining planar patch-clamp and spinning disc confocal microscopy”

12:15 – 12:30

Stanislav Ott
„Kalium channelrhodopsins effectively inhibit invertebrate neurons”

12:30 – 14:00


14:00 – 16:30

Poster Session & Coffee break

16:30 – 18:00

Session 6: OptoGPCR / Membrane receptors (Chairs: Stefan Herlitze and Tobias Brügmann)

16:30 – 16:50

Ida Siveke
„InLOV: Optogenetics for light controlled insulin signaling”

16:50 – 17:05

Arend Vogt
„A simultaneous spectral illumination device for the characterization of opto-GPCRs and engineered red light-activated cyclases in microplates”

17:05 – 17:20

Richard McDowell
„Spectral sensitivities of mammalian melanopsins”

17:20 – 17:35

Siri Leemann
„Functional optimization of the Opto-GPCR toolkit: shining light on the importance of the proximal C-terminus”

17:35 – 18:00

Sonja Kleinlogel
„Optogenetic vision restoration: The many ways to get the best out of bipolar cells”



Day 4, Wednesday, October 4th, 2023

from 07:00     

Breakfast at La Cantina

08:30 – 10:10

Session 7: Imaging (Chairs: Jan Huisken and Antoine Huet)

08:30 – 08:55

Ed Boyden
„Optical tools for analyzing and controlling biological systems”

08:55 – 09:20

Emilie Macé
„POpto-fUS: Unveiling whole-brain optogenetic effects using functional ultrasound imaging”

09:20 – 09:40

Christiane Grimm
„Rhodopsin-based GEVIs for one- and two-photon voltage imaging”

09:40 – 09:55

Mostafa Aakhte
„Cleared tissue light sheet microscopy with isotropic resolution”

09:55 – 10:10

Anupriya Thirumalai and Lennart Roos
„Cochlear optogenetics and nano-structure visualized by light sheet fluorescence microscopy”

10:15 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 12:30

Session 8: Optogenetic Switches for Regulation of intra- and extracellular Processes
(Chairs: Matias Zurbriggen and Andreas Möglich)

10:45 – 11:10

Jeff Tabor
„Phytochrome-family proteins for bacterial optogenetics”

11:10 – 11:25

Giada Forlani
„Tracking DNA damage in living cells with an optogenetically-induced nanobody against γ-H2AX”

11:25 – 11:40

Stefanie Meier
„Control of bacterial expression by red light”

11:40 – 12:00

Kun Tang
„Optogenetic control of gene expression and subcellular protein localization with synthetic cyanobacteriochrome-based light-inducible dimers”

12:00 – 12:15

Robert Hughes
„A single component optogenetic biosensor of cellular stress”


Closing remarks